Designing a Future Studies Model: Presenting an Organization's Future Image to Develop Organizational Learning Capability

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Industrial Management-System, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Industrial Management-System, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Future Research Department, Imam Hussein University


Given the need for future research and future cognition as well as initiative, researchers need to know what the future of organizations will be. Given this necessity, the present study explored the area of organizational learning capability in the future of the organization in order to form a more efficient and effective management organization. One of the most important aspects of future organizational research is organizational learning capability. Given the issues raised in relation to the future and the necessity for examining organizational learning capability, the future study of organizational learning capability should be addressed. Research Method The research is descriptive and analytical. In this study, according to the viewpoints of academic and documentary and library studies professors, as well as reviewing the opinions, interviews and views of experts, different aspects of future organizational learning capability have been investigated. These dimensions represent the needs of the organization in the future and they should plan their future according to these dimensions. To confirm the dimensions specified in the research method of this research, a questionnaire was used in a limited statistical population to collect data. Finally, based on the complementary survey of participants' views on the questionnaire, it can be concluded that future organizational learning capability has 7 dimensions. Also, the most important aspect is the testing and openness dimension, which has the highest priority for the attention of senior managers of the organization. Finally, the concluding section of the futures model derived from this study is drawn.


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