A systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis of foresight research in the field of science, technology and innovation

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of English, Imam Khomeini International University


The purpose of this study was systematic review and meta-analysis of foresight science, technology and innovation research in Iran and other countries. In this qualitative meta-analysis, the research community included all articles, theses and keyword-related books in line with the purpose of the research. To accomplish the goals of the present research, first use keywords with the goals set in internal and external information sources between 2000 and 2019 with keywords foresight, science and technology, as well as search based on citations of research papers. This area was named Search. In the second stage, screening and selection of the desired researches were carried out using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, after screening and selecting the desired articles, qualitative meta-analysis was conducted to answer the questions and analyze the findings. A total of 33 research papers were analyzed and evaluated in the present study. 84.84% of the research articles, 6.06% of the conference papers, 6.06% of the research projects and 3.03 were dissertations. Also, most of the studies were done 45.45% in the period 2015-2019. In addition, 80 80.76 male and 19.23% female researchers were involved in the research, of which 71.25% were faculty members. Also 33.33% of the researches used quantitative method, 60.60% qualitative method and 9.09% used mixed method.


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