Monitoring the Role of Resistive Economy in the Future of Security Authority of the Country

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: PhD in futures study, the Supreme National Defense University (SNDU), director of the Monitoring Committee at the Center for Monitoring and Futures Study at Imam Hussein Comprehensive University

2 Master of budget management, instructor of economics at Imam Hussein Officer and Guardian Training University

3 Master of management in Arak University, instructor of planning at Imam Hussein Officer and Guardian Training University

4 PhD in defensive Policy making, the Supreme National Defense University, assistant professor of psychological operations and soft threats at Imam Hussein Officer and Guardian Training University


This research is intended to assess the resistive economy approach in the country and the role it can play in people's lifestyle and social security order and authority for the future. An important axes of the resistive economy contains the reduction of dependencies and emphasizes on the advantages of domestic production and struggles for self-sufficiency. In this regard, supporting national production and protecting internal labor and capital along with increasing the security and social order and authority of the country can be effective in the future of people’s lifestyle. The methodology of this research is based on three axes of data collection, scientific analysis and comparative studies. Hence, this qualitative research follows discourse analysis method. The results revealed that resistive economy following an educational approach conveys a concept that may encounter problems with regard to the security-educational sector of the society in the future due to its attempt to follow resilience, crisis control, and reviving the current worn-out structures and institutions. Hence, it is suggested that institutionalizing various aspects of the security of the resistive economy in the future, prioritization of domestic products, controlling corruption in trade by proper policy-making and culturalization, the future lifestyle of people can be changed and improved by focusing on the resistive economy in the long run. This will lead the country toward perfection and its goals expressed in the vision document will be achieved.


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Volume 1, Issue 2
December 2020
Pages 121-160
  • Receive Date: 28 November 2020
  • Revise Date: 09 December 2020
  • Accept Date: 09 December 2020
  • Publish Date: 21 November 2020