An Investigation and Analysis of the Relation between Futures Study and Knowledge Management in a Military Higher Education Center

Document Type : Original Article


1 (Corresponding Author) Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Defense Science and Engineering, Imam Hossein (AS) University of Officers and Guards Training, Tehran, Iran


Fast changes, competition, informed and intelligent customers and increasing innovations, bring about challenges and serious uncertainties which organizations deal with in their progress in the future. This requires special attention to the issue of knowledge management and its adaptation to future conditions. Proposing no vision for the excellence of future of knowledge management in organizations, knowledge management development measures, as well as the inability to solve problems, will not benefit future knowledge needs.
   futures studies and knowledge management are both intended to identify the complexity and dynamism resulting from the internal and external environment of organizations, and address the knowledge needs of managers to make decisions in such environments. We can understand the significant role of futures study in knowledge management through a brief consideration. Knowledge management affects futures studt greatly.
   This study is an attempt to investigate the relation and role of futures studies and knowledge management in an organization. The researchers conducted a case study using in-depth interviews with experts (including employees, administrators, and faculty members of a military higher education center) to find out how futures study is related to the maturity of knowledge management. The innovative point in this research related to the combination of futures study research methods to the process of organizational knowledge management model. In this manner, interviews, questionnaires and literature review techniques have been employed to collect data. The logic of framework analysis and focus group on the future challenges of knowledge management of the organization under study have been used as analysis tools.
    An analysis of the futures study methods on the basis of functional foundations, a model for futures study development based on organizational knowledge management is proposed as a research result.


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  • Receive Date: 16 December 2020
  • Revise Date: 04 January 2021
  • Accept Date: 25 January 2021
  • Publish Date: 28 February 2021