Futurology from the View of Ash'arism Compared to Shiism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Systems, Eyvanekey University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding author: M.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Eyvanekey University, Tehran, Iran


Ash'arism is a theological school of Sunni Islam founded by Abu Hassan Ali Bin Ismail al-Ash'ari, which enjoys the most followers among Islamic schools. Due to the importance of futurology and its effect on the future insight of the Islamic schools, an assessment of this school as well as its comparison with Shiite school will play an essential role in understanding the intellectual path of the followers of these schools in the future as well as understanding the future of the Islamic world. This study is intended to investigate the main features and intellectual principles of Ash'arite and Shiite schools of thought and the effect of these principles on the future insight of these two schools as well as understanding the intellectual framework of both schools of thought with regard to future and understanding their differences and the origins of their differences with regard to future. Employing content analysis, while reviewing the social and historical background of the formation of the Ash'arites, this research investigates the main doctrinal principles of this school from the perspective of its thinkers. Consequently, the main differences between Ash'arism and Shiism will be explained.


Smiley face

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