Department of Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
One of the strategic ways of great powers throughout history to create a gap between the government and the people of other societies has been casting doubt. The efforts of the enemies for more than 4 decades to implement the strategy of showing the ineffectiveness of the Islamic Republic system, along with the existence of some management inefficiencies, have led to the suspicion of the ineffectiveness of the Islamic Republic system. In contrast to these efforts and actions of the enemies, trying to explain the great achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran and promoting public belief in this field is considered a strategic issue for our country. It becomes public opinion. In this regard, mass media are one of the most important components of explaining, informing and deepening the public's belief in the efficiency of the system. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify and present media mechanisms to explain the efficiency of the system of the Islamic Revolutionary Republic of Iran and its credibility components. This research is in the field of qualitative research and the interview method has been used.
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Saeid faramarziani. "Future studies of media persuasion of the achievements of the Islamic revolution of Iran", Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 3, 4, 2023, 117-142.
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faramarziani, S. Future studies of media persuasion of the achievements of the Islamic revolution of Iran. Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 2023; 3(4): 117-142.