The expectations from the civilized seminary by looking at the statements of the Supreme Leader; Critical review of the new program announced by the management center of seminaries in 2023
Department of Islamic Studies, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
As an authentic Islamic religion, Shia has a powerful organization of clergy under the aristocracy of the seminary organization. With the occurrence of the Islamic revolution, this institution has seen many changes and has had structural and content changes in different stages. The last of these developments is the program that was announced at the beginning of the 1401 academic year after six years of research work and experimental implementation. Whether or not the characteristics of the level of Islamic civilization are considered in this program based on the thought of the Supreme Leader, is the question of the present research. Therefore, compared to the previous program, the mentioned program is examined with a critical eye, and by stating its merits and demerits, the missed expectations in order to reach the seminary level of modern Islamic civilization are identified and explained based on the menus of the Supreme Leader. be made In this research, sixteen unique features of this program, which are different from the previous program, have been identified, and seventeen expectations have been extracted from the statements of the Supreme Leader's revolutionary thought; Finally, a suitable model for the seminary suitable for the modern Islamic civilization has been introduced.
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KARAMI, A., & mahdikhani sarvejahani, S. H. (2023). The expectations from the civilized seminary by looking at the statements of the Supreme Leader; Critical review of the new program announced by the management center of seminaries in 2023. Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 4(1), 11-37.
ALI KARAMI; sayyed hasan mahdikhani sarvejahani. "The expectations from the civilized seminary by looking at the statements of the Supreme Leader; Critical review of the new program announced by the management center of seminaries in 2023", Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 4, 1, 2023, 11-37.
KARAMI, A., mahdikhani sarvejahani, S. H. (2023). 'The expectations from the civilized seminary by looking at the statements of the Supreme Leader; Critical review of the new program announced by the management center of seminaries in 2023', Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 4(1), pp. 11-37.
KARAMI, A., mahdikhani sarvejahani, S. H. The expectations from the civilized seminary by looking at the statements of the Supreme Leader; Critical review of the new program announced by the management center of seminaries in 2023. Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 2023; 4(1): 11-37.