Strategies for building a decent society in the Islamic Republic of Iran using the SWOT-SWARA technique

Document Type : Original Article


1 Political Science Department of Shahed University in Iran

2 Professor and member of the Faculty of Governance, University of Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran


The present study has identified the strategies for building a decent society in the Islamic Republic of Iran using the SWOT matrix structure and the fuzzy riding technique. This research was done according to the practical purpose and from a mixed approach based on the descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the research included the number of 12 experts related to the subject of the research. After carrying out library studies, items related to the fourfold structure of the SWAT matrix were identified and the importance and intensity of its impact in an uncertain environment were investigated by forming an expert panel. The preliminary results of the research showed that the benefit of talented and efficient human capital, the existence of rich mineral and energy resources, are important strengths, unbalanced development in different parts of the country, environmental problems and limited water resources are important weaknesses, the processes of accepting the values of the revolution in Collective notions and the reduction of global resource reserves, considering the huge amount of Iran's resources compared to other countries, are considered as important opportunities and the processes of intensifying the enemy's combined war, and the attempt to reduce the values of the Iranian society, as important threats in the path of creating a decent society. Also, the results showed that strengths prevail over weaknesses and threatening factors prevail over opportunity-creating factors and the influence of the internal environment is far higher than the external environment. Therefore, based on the analysis, offensive strategies (in 7 cases), competitive strategies (in 13 cases), conservative strategies (in 5 cases) and defensive strategies (in 11 cases) were formulated and presented


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Volume 4, Issue 4
Winter Quarterly
December 2023
Pages 35-57
  • Receive Date: 25 September 2023
  • Revise Date: 25 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 11 November 2023
  • Publish Date: 21 December 2023