A Conceptual Model for Readiness to Pursue Government as a Platform

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Information Technology Management - Service Management and Technology Development, Faculty of Management, Department of Information Technology Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Economics, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

3 Department of Science Policy, National Research Institute for Science Policy, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Prof. of University of Tehran


Purpose: The electronicization of government has happened in the last fifteen years, and governments have moved from e-government to mobile governments with the advancement of technology. The new generation of governments is the Government as a Platform (GaaP). Since the prediction of emerging technologies is part of futures studies, The Government as a Platform preparedness and implementation model is considered the most infrastructure concept of this technology in this article.

Method: This is a qualitative study which is conducted using the meta-analysis approach to analyze data extracted from different selected sources. In this study, more than 30 sources are selected and used for qualitative analysis and coding.

Results: By categorizing the obtained codes, 65 indexes are formed and classified into seven layers. In this regard, the essential requirements in realizing GaaP are: 1- good governance, 2- government’s paradigm shift from service provider to ecosystem leader, 3- cultivating entrepreneurial and startup communities, 4- digital trust, 5- providing the foundation for growth and development, 6- digital transformation and 7- creating a mindset of change and open innovation in society.

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that there is no a specific version for realizing GaaP in the world. However, considering the specific components, such as digital culture, budget and credits, digital privacy, and digital talent, of a country, the government formulates a customized model for realizing its own version of GaaP. The curent model can be used as a guide for policy to entering the future Government as a Platform.


Smiley face

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Volume 5, Issue 1 - Serial Number 16
Spring Quarterly
February 2024
Pages 139-156
  • Receive Date: 11 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 08 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 10 February 2024
  • Publish Date: 17 March 2024