Identifying the drivers affecting the future of privatization in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a future research approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Doctoral student of social issues of Iran, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.

3 Department of social science, Kashan university, Kashan Iran


Despite the consensus of mainstream economics on the positive effects of privatization, such as increasing efficiency and productivity, reducing production costs, increasing income and growth; There are many empirical evidences in different countries that challenge the theoretical and empirical adequacy of this opinion. This research has identified the factors affecting the future of privatization in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a future research approach. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of a combination of documentary and survey methods and in terms of nature; It is analytical and exploratory. By reviewing the theoretical and experimental research literature and in-depth interviews with the elites of the labor and production society (labor activists, small business owners, government bureaucrats, labor experts, executive and academic experts, and journalists) who have sufficient expertise and experience around had privatization issues, in the framework of the cross-effects matrix, they scored the drivers based on the degree of influence and effectiveness, in order to finally reach the answer to the question that the most important components and drivers affecting the success of privatization in the Islamic Republic What are Iran? And to what extent and how do they affect each other? The data was entered into MikMak software, and then eighteen primary drivers were identified and defined in the framework of the cross-effect matrix. Finally, according to the high score of direct and indirect impact, six key drivers and levers with the greatest impact on the future state of privatization were identified, including the paradox of interests, government obesity, public trust, controllability, the attitude of officials and taking over the unproductive sector.


Smiley face

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Volume 5, Issue 2 - Serial Number 17
Summer Quarterly
July 2024
Pages 129-103
  • Receive Date: 23 May 2024
  • Revise Date: 12 June 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 June 2024
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2024