Prerequisites and driving forces of realization of the new Islamic civilization in the thought of Iran’s Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Futures Studies, Faculty of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 phd student at University Of Eyvanakey


In the Islamic perspective, "humanization" and "civilization" are two fundamental pillars essential for achieving the ultimate divine objectives, each possessing an irreplaceable luster. The Holy Qur'an views the purpose of sending messengers as fostering humanization, which is the primary goal of creation, making the establishment of civilization crucial to creating an environment conducive to humanization. Moreover, the unique Islamic capacities across various dimensions demonstrate the strength of Islamic civilization on a global scale. Among the most significant and profound discussions to date are the thoughts and opinions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on modern Islamic civilization. These discussions have distinctive features in the realms of civilization research, development, and the future of the Islamic world. This article, therefore, concentrates on his perspectives to gather and examine the catalysts and conditions necessary for the emergence of a modern Islamic civilization through future studies. The research adopts an exploratory-mixed approach using qualitative methods, including document review, text analysis, and interviews with seven experts, to compile the elements and drivers of modern Islamic civilization as envisioned by the Supreme Leader. In the quantitative phase, an expert survey and questionnaire were employed to validate and rank each prerequisite and driver for the advent of modern Islamic civilization. The research findings highlight prerequisites such as a forward-looking approach to civilization, systematization, and management model excellence, along with lifestyle adjustments. Additionally, drivers like science and technology, the unity of Islamic nations, and spirituality are identified as some of the most crucial aspects articulated in the Supreme Leader's intellectual framework.


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Volume 5, Issue 2 - Serial Number 17
Summer Quarterly
July 2024
Pages 70-39
  • Receive Date: 24 February 2024
  • Revise Date: 12 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 09 June 2024
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2024