There is a widespread theoretical consensus about the impact of foreign military attacks on the culture of the invaded societies. According to various thinkers, phenomena such as war and occupation of countries by foreign forces have played an important role in giving cultural works to societies. A subject that, despite its universality, does not have the same formulation due to the cultural-civilizational difference of different societies. In other words, different human societies, depending on their different coordinates, have not had the same impact on the occurrence of such phenomena. It is obvious that a detailed investigation of this matter will be obtained more than anything from a search among civilized and long-standing nations. The history of Iran is an interesting example to study this issue. Among the various military invasions from ancient times to the present day, there is a consensus that the massive invasion of the Mongols should be considered one of the most devastating. The available evidence shows that this event has left many effects on Iranian culture. One of the most important signs of this issue is that of the four great poets of Iran, only Abulqasem Ferdowsi appeared before the Mongol invasion and the other three (Moulana, Saadi and Hafez) belong to the Mughal or Ilkhani period. It is obvious that paying attention to this issue leads every researcher to investigate the effects of the Mongol invasion and conquest of Iran on the formation of Iranian thought and literature. Meanwhile, Hafez is a more attractive option to consider. Examining all dimensions of this event on all layers of Hafez's thought and art requires extensive research. For this reason, in this article, assuming this effect, we are only looking to explore the place of future thinking in Hafez's poetry. The findings of this article indicate that future...
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Haghgoo, J. (2024). The Mongol invasion and the place of future thinking in literary works of the 7th and 8th centuries of Hijri
(Case study of Hafez). Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 5(3), 157-180.
javad Haghgoo. "The Mongol invasion and the place of future thinking in literary works of the 7th and 8th centuries of Hijri
(Case study of Hafez)", Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 5, 3, 2024, 157-180.
Haghgoo, J. (2024). 'The Mongol invasion and the place of future thinking in literary works of the 7th and 8th centuries of Hijri
(Case study of Hafez)', Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 5(3), pp. 157-180.
Haghgoo, J. The Mongol invasion and the place of future thinking in literary works of the 7th and 8th centuries of Hijri
(Case study of Hafez). Futures Studies Of The Islamic Revolution, 2024; 5(3): 157-180.