Literacy in Future: Required Skills for Living in the 15th Solar Century

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: Master, Executive Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Cyberspace Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Iran


The concept of literacy is quite obvious and familiar to all human beings. In the past, literacy included reading and writing; today, however, new dimensions of literacy, under the heading of functional literacy, have emerged apparently. Issues and skills such as media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy, political literacy, financial literacy, technological literacy are being widely discussed in the media and among people. This is a qualitative - analytical research which employs library research method. The study of the future has turned into a serious issue in human literacy in the last 50 years, and this significance has made it necessary to make public use of the future studies. Accordingly, another new skill-based topic has been added to functional literacy, known as “future literacy”. This research involves initial attempts of future literacy in Persian language. Proposing time criterion in dividing literacy issues, this research has investigated future literacy related to past and present literacy as an essential skill for Iranian human beings in the 15th century.


Smiley face

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