Journal Information

"Future Studies of the Islamic Revolution" Journal, based on the regulation of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in the assessment of 1402(2023) has been ranked "B".

Year of publication: 2020

Type of publishable articles: research

Format: Print and Online

Release frequency: Quarterly

Publication language: Persian (Persian and English abstracts)

Specialty: Futures Studies

Type of peer-review: Double Blind Peer Review; two reviewers

Average time for judging articles: Maximum 3 months

Manual of style of the journal: APA 7th Edition (2020)

Journal Email:

Access to the full text of articles: Open access and free download

Type of License: CC- BY

Type of Access: Open Access (OA)


 The scientific journal "Future Studies of the Islamic Revolution" with publication license number 87905 dated 2021/05/10 by the Deputy of Press Affairs and Information of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, from the summer of 2019 and the permission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology by the Faculty and Research Institute Hazrat Wali Asr (AS) is published.

  Professors and researchers can register on the site and organize and submit their articles according to the authors' guidelines. This publication is free and the submitted articles will be published after specialized judging and with the approval of the editorial board.

Important points:


Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 3 - Serial Number 18, September 2024 (Autumn Quarterly) 

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